Can you tell me where the G spot is located?

Can you tell me where the G spot is located?

g spot is located card.jpg

I get this question a lot! Here’s the textbook answer:

The G spot is about 2 -3 inches inside the vagina on the front wall. So if you’re facing your partner with your palm towards you, you would put a finger or two into her vagina and push towards you.

Here’s the real life answer: First of all, good on you for wanting to please your partner. And while you can find the G spot by doing what I wrote above, both you and your partner need to enjoy the process of finding it!  If you’re super focused on finding it and not enjoying just touching each other’s bodies, you’re missing out on some of the fun.  Too often when people think of sex and sex play they just focus on the genitals, but our whole body can be receptive to touch.

And never underestimate the power of talking to your partner about what she wants. Our brains are such a powerful sex organ, and we so often forget to use them! Talk to her about what feels good and what doesn’t, and make sure to listen. You may find there are ways of pleasuring your partner you never even thought about. 

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