Why Do I Have Hair Around My Nipples? — Milstein
Why Do I Have Hair Around My Nipples?

Why Do I Have Hair Around My Nipples?

The simple answer is because you’re a normal human being.

While we often associate hair on the chest with men, it’s normal for people of all sexes to have hair around the nipple.

If you’re female and just starting to notice hair when you hadn’t seen it before, that’s also perfectly normal. This can be due to changes in hormones.

If you’re female and starting to notice a lot of hair around the nipples,  combined with  having irregular periods, you might want to talk to a heath care professional. These can be signs of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

If you recently started taking a new medication and noticed the hair growth, I suggest you follow up with the person who prescribed you the medication.  

Usually when I get a question like this, the follow up is “do I have to remove the hair?” And that is completely up to you! If it makes you uncomfortable or really unhappy with your body you can remove it. Be careful though, the area around the nipple can be really sensitive.

If a partner is making you uncomfortable about it, and is pressuring you to remove the hair, I suggest you take a minute to think about that. Do you really want to be with a person who makes you uncomfortable about your body? Someone who’s telling you what’s okay and what’s not okay for your body? For me that would be a major red flag.

I wish we had more conversations about this publicly. Hair all over the body is so normal and yet it’s not normalized in our culture. It’s shocking to us when we see famous women who have armpit hair, or leg hair. While it’s gotten a bit better for men, there was a time not too long ago where men were also feeling pressure to wax their chests until there was no visible hair at all.

I think that as we have more conversations about body positivity and self-acceptance, we need to expand that beyond just body size and weight, and include things like body hair.

 Until next time, be safe and have fun!

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