What Are Some Of The Negative Effects Of Having Unprotected Anal Sex?

What Are Some Of The Negative Effects Of Having Unprotected Anal Sex?

Increased risk of STIs and pain are two of the biggest negative effects.

Like unprotected vaginal sex, unprotected anal sex comes with the risk of STI transmission. In fact, the risk of getting an STI is higher for unprotected anal than it is unprotected vaginal.

This is especially true for HIV.

Let me explain why. The vagina has the ability self-lubricate. This lubrication helps to reduce the amount of tiny tears in the vaginal tissue.

Anal tissue doesn’t do that. It’s also thinner than vaginal tissue which increases the chances of tearing. These tiny tears are what makes someone more vulnerable to HIV and other STIs.

Another negative effect is linked to the lack of lubrication, and that means that anal sex can be painful. There are some things you can do to reduce the chances of pain. You want to make sure there’s good communication between you and your partner. Checking in with each other  to make sure things like speed and depth are okay, and being willing to stop activity is if is painful, are important.

Anal lube can help with the tearing issue, but that’s not really a way to prevent the spread of STIs.

And stay away from numbing lubes for anal! Pain is an important way our bodies tells us that something is wrong. If we don’t get that message because the area is numb, that can lead to tissue damage and other complications.

Until next time, be safe and have fun!

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