Is It Alright To Have Sex Before Playing A Soccer Game?

Is It Alright To Have Sex Before Playing A Soccer Game?

Here’s the whole question: Is it all right to have sex before playing a soccer game? Or any other sport? And how many hours prior to playing? Does it effect your game mentally?

I can’t tell you how often I get questions like this!

It’s hard for me to give you a straight answer because they are so many factors at play.

If you have really vigorous sex right before a game or match, you could feel a little tired. Or maybe you’re dehydrated from having sex right before the game.  Both of these could impact performance on the pitch.

If you had really vigorous sex the night before, and got a good night’s sleep, then it probably won’t physically impact your performance.

Now the mental piece is a whole other thing. As an athlete you know how important the mental game is. If you’re not focused, for whatever reason, your performance is going to suffer. 

That reason may have nothing to do with sex. Maybe you’re worried about an injury that you just got done rehabbing, or you’re thinking back to the last time you faced this team, or your coach screamed at you right before the match started.

Maybe it has everything to do with sex. Maybe you’re thinking about how great sex was recently, or how bad it was, or how you’re not having enough of it. No matter the reason, anything that pulls your focus is going to impact your performance.

And for that reason, sex or masturbation before a match might actually help! If it makes you feel more relaxed and less anxious, than that could help improve your performance.

Until next time, be safe and have fun!

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