How Many Times Man Should Have Sexual Intercourse In A Week?

How Many Times Man Should Have Sexual Intercourse In A Week?

When it comes to frequency of sex, there really is no “should.”

I think that a person should have as much, or as little sex as they want to in any given time frame.

Some people like to have sex multiple times a day. Some people prefer to have sex once a week. Some people choose not to have sexual intercourse with anyone. These people may either abstain completely from sexual activity, or rely solely on masturbation to meet their sexual needs.

Some people never have sex or engage in any type of sex play and they're okay with that.

It's important to keep in mind that when we talk about frequency of sex it's going to change based on a lot of factors. If we don't have a partner that could definitely impact how often we're having sex. Focusing on things like career or family can change how often we have time for sex.

Often our desire to have sex changes. A change in sex drive can be due to a lot of different things. These can include our age, medications that we're on, and some kind of injury or illness that we’re dealing with. Our sex drive can also be impacted by all kinds of stress. That can include everything from work stress to relationship stress.

This idea that there’s a certain amount of sex someone “should” have in a week can actually be harmful. It can not only cause stress, but it may make you think that you’re not meeting certain expectations. That can put a lot of unnecessary pressure on both you and any relationships you’re in.

The question I would ask back to you is, are you happy with how much sexual intercourse you're having in a week? If you're okay with it and any partners you have are okay with it, then I really wouldn't worry about what other people are doing.

Until next time, be safe and have fun!

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