Why Does My Libido Fluctuate So Much?

Why Does My Libido Fluctuate So Much?

Your libido is never going to be consistent. There are just so many things that can impact it.

If you’re not familiar with the term libido, it’s another term for sex drive. And I’m going to use the terms interchangeably. I’ll also be talking about sexual performance, because performance can have an impact on sex drive.

Let’s start with the physical things that can impact your libido.

If you’re experiencing pain or dealing with a chronic medical condition, that can impact your sex drive. But so can just being tired and not getting enough sleep. Whether or not you’re exercising can impact your libido. So can the foods that you’re eating.

And it’s not just food. Whether or not you’re hydrated can impact your sexual performance (you can read more about this here). If you’re drinking alcohol that can impact your sex drive. I know that people say they get hornier when they drink, but alcohol is a central nervous system depressant. This can lead to decreased testosterone levels, and testosterone can have an impact on your sex drive. Excessive alcohol use can lead to decreased vaginal lubrication and problems getting an erection.

If you’re using nicotine that can negatively impact your sex drive. Marijuana can also have an impact. The research on this is sometimes contradictory. Marijuana can improve your sex drive, but some people who use it regularly talk about the fact that their sex drive starts to drop overtime. Marijuana can also lead to erectile dysfunction in men.

If you’re taking medications, whether it’s over the counter or prescription, those can also impact your sex drive. What I usually tell people is that if you started a new medication and your sex drive changed dramatically, I recommend talking to your health care provider about it.

One of the conditions where we see the negative impact on sex drive is with depression. Depression itself can cause your sex drive to drop. On top of that, most of the medications we prescribe for depression can negatively impact your sex drive. And unfortunately, most doctors don’t follow up with their patients about sexual side effects.

But it’s not just what we put in our body that can impact our sex drive. Everything happening in the world around you can do that too. If you’re stressed, worried about school or work, or really anything, that can impact your libido. If you’re fighting with your partner, or you’re worried because you don’t have a partner, all of that can impact you.

The bottom line is that it’s natural and normal for your sex drive to change. But if it’s shifting in a way that you’re not happy with, you may want to look at what’s going on in your life to see if you can figure out what caused the changes. This is an important first step in trying to address it.

Until next time, be safe and have fun!

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