If You Have Really Bad Cramps During Your Menstrual Cycle, Why Do Doctors Offer the Birth Control Pill?

If You Have Really Bad Cramps During Your Menstrual Cycle, Why Do Doctors Offer the Birth Control Pill?

Birth control pills, otherwise known as oral contraception or simply “the pill” can be used for a lot of things other than just preventing pregnancy. It can be used to help prevent acne and prevent certain cancers. The most common reasons why the pill is prescribed have to do with your period. Oral contraceptives can help to reduce menstrual cramps, regulate your period and help make your period lighter.

Here’s the science on why the pill can help with cramps - when you have your period, your body produces prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are not something specific to cramps, they are produced wherever the body needs them to help deal with healing tissue. But when it comes to your period, they’re responsible for menstrual cramps. When you take oral contraceptives, they reduce the amount of prostaglandins, and that’s why the cramps don’t hurt as much.

Want to reduce cramps and not take the pill? You can choose to take ibuprofen. For some people exercising helps. Heat is highly recommended, either a heating pad or a warm bath. Also, keep in mind that what you’re eating and drinking during your period can contribute to your bloating (which can make the cramps feel worse) so avoid caffeine and salty foods.

One of things that can also help the pain from period cramps is having an orgasm, either through sexual activity with a partner, or masturbation, or both! Having an orgasm releases endorphins which help fight pain.

Keep in mind that one of the benefits of using oral contraception is that depending on how you take it, you can skip your period completely, and then you don’t have to deal with the cramps at all. This is called continuous use, though be warned that it might take a few months of being on the pill continuously for the cramps and your period to go away completely. If you are interested in using the pill continuously talk to your health care provider.

Until next time, be safe and have fun!

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