I have heard that socks can increase a woman's chance of getting an orgasm, why is that so?

I have heard that socks can increase a woman's chance of getting an orgasm, why is that so?

I have to admit this was a new one for me. I had my theories on why this might be true, but figured this idea came from somewhere, so I took to Google. After .63 seconds of searching I found a lot of pop culture articles that talked about a study that found that 80% of couples reached orgasm with socks, and 50% of couples reached orgasm without socks. But hang on to your knee highs – it’s not as simple as putting on socks.

The study was done by researchers at the University of Groninge and it’s important to note that only 13 straight couples took part in the research. In the world of research that’s not a lot of people. Did the study really find that people were more likely to orgasm when they wore socks – yes, but it wasn’t really about the socks it was about being warm.

For most people, they need to really be able to relax and feel safe in order to be able to let go and have an orgasm, and I use the term “let go” because during orgasm people are truly vulnerable.  If we’re worried, or uncomfortable, or cold, then it can be hard to relax and enjoy sex. There are so many things that can make it hard for our brains to relax and reach orgasm, including things that are happening in our lives or in our brains. Even the location itself can also make it hard to relax. Think about it, how easy would it be for you reach to orgasm if you were  afraid someone is going to burst into the room you’re in?

So how do socks fit into all this? A couple of ways. One, people feel more relaxed when they’re warmer, and socks help to accomplish this. So you can put on socks, or turn up the heat in your place, or move to Florida, the idea is that warmer surroundings can help us feel more relaxed and it can *help* people be more likely to orgasm.

Notice I said help and not absolutely lead to more orgasms. The thing is, being warm is only part of the story, many people also need to feel emotionally comfortable and safe, and socks aren’t going to accomplish that.

I wasn’t at the conference where this study was presented. From what I’ve read, Professor Gert Holstege, one of researchers from the study, not only talked about the sock findings but also discussed the fact that people need to feel safe to reach orgasm. But interestingly, that wasn’t what made the headlines in the major magazines. Why? Great question- ask yourself which is easier, putting on a pair of socks or talking to your partner about the fact that you’re worried that they’re cheating on you? When it comes to our sex lives, most people want quick simple solutions, and making sure our partners feel safe and comfortable can take a lot more time and effort then giving them a pair of socks.

So should I grab my socks or not? I’m not going to give a simple yes or no here. If you want to wear socks, wear socks (though some people  find socks uncomfortable during sex once they start getting all hot and bothered). What I’d really love is for us to make sure our partners feel comfortable, relaxed and safe, and that can lead to some really hot sex, no socks required!

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