Can a sex toy get stuck inside me?
This is one of the questions where I really need more information!
The simple answer is yes, but let’s talk more about it because *where* you’re putting the sex toy makes a difference.
Sex toys can get stuck inside the vagina, but not lost. I use the term lost because I get that question a lot. People seem to think the vagina is some sort of limitless chasm, and that things can go inside and will never be found again. The truth is that there’s a limited amount of space inside the vagina. The average length of the vagina from the opening to the cervix (where the vagina ends) is 3 – 6 inches, depending on how aroused the person is. So a sex toy that gets lodged in the vagina isn’t going to float into other parts of the body.
Sex toys can also get stuck in the anus, but the concern here is that there is nothing that prevents the toy from moving further up into the body, though that’s not going to happen instantly. So let’s talk about how to get the sex toy out.
Removing the stuck sex toy
If a sex toy does get stuck inside you, the first thing you need to do is take a deep breath and try to relax. I know the chances of that happening if you’re freaking out are slim to none, but try. The more tense you are the tighter the muscles get, and that can make things difficult.
You might want to use some lube for this next step.
Reach inside with a finger or two and see if you can get to the toy and gently pull it out. Squatting while doing this might help.
If you’re with a partner it might be easier for them to reach the toy easier so you can so have them insert a finger or two and try to remove it (if you’re comfortable with that).
If you can’t get it out, then you’re going to need to see a health care professional, NOW! This is not the kind of thing you wait on.
How to avoid this
To avoid having a sex toy getting stuck in the anus in the future you want to use one that has a flared base. Not sure what that means?
Photo by / Dainis Graveris on Unsplash
A flared base has a bottom is wider than the top, and it will stop things from getting stuck inside the anus. A flared base isn’t necessary for a vaginal sex toy.
And just a general note – be careful what you put in your anus or vagina. While it may seem fun to play with random objects (food, candles, whatever else is in the room) it’s not always the healthiest option.
Have fun and be safe!
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