Besides Abstinence, What’s the Best Method of Birth Control?

Besides Abstinence, What’s the Best Method of Birth Control?

I have to start by saying that I don't really think that abstinence is the best form of birth control, and if you want to know why feel free to submit a question asking that.

With that out of the way the really simple answer is:

whatever you're going to use consistently and correctly.

A lot of people hate that answer. When people ask me this kind of question they really just want me to name a method, but it’s not that simple.

Let me explain why by talking to men about their options. Guys, unless you’re willing to get a vasectomy, you’re really limited in your contraceptive options. The external condom, commonly called the male condom, is one of the better options, but only if you us it consistently and correctly.

What do I mean by that? That you’re going to use one every time you have sex AND you’re going to use it correctly (this includes everything from condom storage, to how you open the package, to putting it on, to taking if off correctly).

Under perfect conditions, the male condom is 98% effective. Once we throw in user failure, that number drops to 87%.

87%. That’s why whatever method you use has to be one you’ll use all the time, and one you’ll use correctly.

Ladies, let’s move on to your options. Statistically speaking, hormonal methods are the best ones for you. Which hormonal methods are the best? The ones we call LARCs, Long Acting Reversible Contraceptives namely the hormonal IUD and the implant.

But if you’re not cool with hormones then you’ll need to find another option.

Something to keep in mind as you’re making a contraceptive choice is to ask yourself what you want it to do? The obvious answer is to prevent pregnancy, but if you also want a method that prevents STIs than that narrows the options down to internal and external condoms.

Another choice is to combine methods - use a hormonal method to prevent pregnancy and a barrier method to prevent STIs.


Want more information on available options? Check out Bedsider

No matter what method you decide to use, remember that using it consistently and correctly is the key.

 Have fun and be safe!

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