How Often Do Guys Masturbate?

How Often Do Guys Masturbate?

It depends on the guy!

It’s important to keep in mind that like other sexual behaviors, people have their own reasons for choosing to masturbate or not.

If they do masturbate, there are a ton of things that could influence how often they do it. Age, relationship status, stress levels, religion…

Before we get into the numbers keep in mind that these are based on self-report and so may not accurately reflect what people are really doing.

In one study, 54% of the men surveyed they had masturbated within the last 6 days.

Another study found that 69% of men report masturbating at least once a week (that includes the men who also said several times a week and the 20% who said they masturbate daily). And for some “daily” might mean several times a day.

And remember how I was saying that there were a lot of factors that influence how often a person masturbates? Well COVID is one of those factors. 41% of men say they masturbate more often now than they did before self-isolating was a thing.

Two things to keep in mind about all of these numbers. First, they’re based on self-report. I know I already said that, but it bears repeating because sometimes people lie or exaggerate on surveys.

Second, don’t let these numbers make you feel badly about yourself. As long as you’re okay with how much you do or don’t masturbate then that’s what matters.

If you’re feeling guilty about how often you masturbate, or if it’s negatively impacting your relationships, then that can be a problem, but don’t think you need to match the results of a study.

Until next time, stay safe and have fun!

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