I Know Why Most People Cheat Is Because They Are In An Unhappy Relationship But Why Do Some Couple Who Are In A Happy And Healthy Relationship Cheat?

I Know Why Most People Cheat Is Because They Are In An Unhappy Relationship But Why Do Some Couple Who Are In A Happy And Healthy Relationship Cheat?

There are a lot of reasons why people cheat.

Some do it because they’re not getting what they need from their relationship and so they look to get their needs met elsewhere. Sometimes it’s about sex. Maybe they’re not having enough sex with their partner. Or maybe they want to do things sexually that their current partner isn’t willing to do.

But sometimes it’s not about sex. Sometimes what they’re not getting from their relationship is a sense of feeling loved and wanted. They may feel a lack of connection with their current partner, and so they try and find that connection with someone new.

Sometimes people cheat out of anger or revenge, as a way to punish their current partner.

And sometimes people cheat simply because the opportunity presents itself. It’s not that they were unhappy or even thinking about cheating. But they meet someone, they click with them, one thing leads to another…

Keep in mind that so far everything I’ve talked about is physical cheating. But what about emotional cheating?

Emotional cheating is when you develop a deep meaningful relationship with someone other than your partner, but it doesn’t (or hasn’t yet) become physical. People may do this for the same reasons  they feel physically cheat. They feel disconnected from their partner, or maybe they’re looking for more attention. Sometimes the other relationship naturally builds over time.

Some people are less bothered by emotional cheating than physical cheating. For others it’s the exact opposite. They feel more of a betrayal by the intimacy of emotional cheating then they might from their partner having a random one night stand.

Whether its emotional or physical, people cheat for a lot of different reasons. And the quality of their relationship may only be small factor in their decision to stray.

Until next time, be safe and have fun!

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