Why Do I Like It When Girls Kick Me In The Testicles?

Why Do I Like It When Girls Kick Me In The Testicles?

What you’re describing is something called ball busting.

For some people it involves pain from getting kicked in the balls. For others it may be any kind of cock and ball torture. This is where the testicles are squeezed, or whipped, or put in a vice. There are many, many ways to do this.

There are a few reasons why people like being on the receiving end of cock and ball torture. For some it’s because they like their body’s reaction to pain. Often when we experience pain, we get a rush of endorphins. These hormones make us feel good.

Other people enjoy it because it can involve being submissive. In your case, the person who is kicking you in the testicles has the power. For others, it’s about being submissive to the person doing more deliberate cock and ball torture.

While I’m all about you doing you, I do want to point out that trauma to the testicles  can not only be painful but can cause long term damage (check out this post on what happens when you rupture a testicle). So please be careful with what’s being done to your testicles. There are educational videos online about how to safely do cock and ball torture. Look less to porn for educational videos, and more to sites like kinkacademy.com

Until next, be safe and have fun!

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