Is There A Wrong Way To Have Sex?

Is There A Wrong Way To Have Sex?

As long as everyone who’s involved is okay with what is happening there is no “wrong” way.

If everyone hasn’t given consent to have sex than that’s a problem! If the person  can’t give consent because they are mentally impaired, intoxicated, or underage, than that’s rape.

If everyone has given consent then it’s less about what’s wrong, and more about what’s legal.

And that’s going to depend a lot on where you are.

If you’re out in public having sex than what you’re doing is probably a crime. This is  because states have laws that may list this as public lewdness or indecent exposure.

If you serve in the US miliary and you’re cheating on your spouse, then the Uniform Code of Military Justice may consider that to be a crime.

Depending on what country you’re in, sex outside of marriage is illegal. It may also be illegal to engage in sex acts with someone of the same gender.

But let’s get back to the idea of right and wrong, and not focus on the crime aspect. As a country we often don’t talk about sex, we just kind of assume that everyone know what that words means.

And for many people that means penile-vaginal intercourse.

But sex can involve so much more than that! It could be anal sex, oral sex, or sex play involving sex toys. Maybe there’s some role play going on, or BDSM, or fetish stuff.

If we only think of one type of sex as acceptable than we may never get the chance to find out what other things can really feel good for ourselves and our partner(s).


So don’t be afraid to try out new things – but make sure everyone is okay with what’s happening. I always tell people that good sex play involves good communication.

This means that you’re checking in with both yourself and your partner as things progress.

Exploring can be fun, but sometimes you need to stop for a minute. If something feels uncomfortable, then either change what’s happening or stop for a minute. It’s always okay to take a break if someone wants to.

Maybe someone is uncomfortable, either physically or mentally. You may have been in a position that didn’t feel good. Maybe someone experienced pain that wasn’t enjoyable and they need a minute. Or maybe they were so overwhelmed with how incredible something felt that they need to catch their breath.

Remember, if someone wants to stop then stop! But if everyone is good with it, feel free to do all sorts of experimenting to find what brings you the greatest pleasure.

Until next time, be safe and have fun!

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