What Happens When You Rupture A Testicle?

What Happens When You Rupture A Testicle?

First – a lot of pain! And not just from the ruptured testicle but from the injury that caused it.

Because a ruptured testicle doesn’t just happen. Something major had to cause it. Like at least 50 pounds of pressure kind of major. Or something pierced it.

If the testicle is ruptured there’s a really good chance they’re going to have to do surgery to repair it. What that surgery entails will depend on the exact nature of the injury that caused the testicle to rupture, and how much damage was done.

Depending on what happened, they may not be able to save it. The testicle may have to be removed.

Once the surgery is done and you’ve had time to heal, either from repair or removal, the good news is that you shouldn’t see any long term effects. This is assuming that only one testicle has been removed.

You should still be able to get someone pregnant, if that is a goal of yours. And it shouldn’t impact your sex drive or your sexual performance.

That assumes that the injury didn’t happen during sex play.

If the injury that ruptured the testicle happened during sex play, there’s a really good chance that there’s some left over trauma around what happened. Even if it didn’t happen because of sex play, if you find yourself avoiding sexual situations out of fear or worry about something happening, you might want to talk to a therapist about how to overcome that.

Until next time, be safe and have fun!

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