Do Guys Like Giving Girls Oral?

Do Guys Like Giving Girls Oral?

It’s hard for me to answer this because every guy is different. Some might love giving girls oral. Some might not care for it but do it because the girl likes it, and some guys just won’t do it at all.

The thing to keep in mind is that we learn about sex mostly from the media and our friends, and what we learn is going to help shape what we think about certain behaviors.

And in this country, there are some really varying views on a man going down on a woman. It wouldn’t be accurate to say that all these views are negative, but a lot are.

Part of it may be linked to power, The person who is receiving oral is viewed as being in a more dominant position. This means that the giver is more submissive, and that’s not a role we tend to associate with men. At least not in public. In private we know that many men enjoy being submissive.

Part of it is linked to the idea that the focus of sex play should be on men, and what they want. There’s a lot of research to show that women focus more on their male partner’s pleasure than they do on their own. So to shift that focus onto women and women’s pleasure is a departure from what we think of “normal” or “acceptable.”

For those of you who are DC Comics fans, you may remember the whole thing that blew up a couple of years ago around this issue. Supposedly, there was going to be a scene in Harley where Batman would go down and Catwoman and the scene was cut. The rumor, and I have no idea if this was true, was that it was cut because “heroes don’t do that.” That statement speaks volumes about the expected roles of men and women (and yes, I know that I’m talking about heroes and comics).

In doing some research for this post, I came across an interesting thesis done a few years ago that said that the Motion Picture Association of America will give a higher restrictive rating to movies where a woman is receiving oral sex, than when the movie depicts rape. That says a lot about how we view female pleasure, and that it isn’t something that’s appropriate for all ages.

Now, with all that said, there are plenty of men who enjoy going down on a woman. And we can see that being depicted in some mainstream media and also in porn. And while statistically women are more likely to go down on their male partners than vice versa, the numbers aren’t that far off (only a 7% difference).

But it really comes back to the individual guy and what he likes and what he’s comfortable with. If you’re a woman who wants your partner to go down on you, talk to him about it. He may have been taught that as a man he’s “not supposed to do that”. Maybe he doesn’t know you want that.

Maybe he’s worried that he won’t do it “right.” We have this cultural expectation that men are supposed to know everything when it comes to sex, but if he never learned that oral on a woman was a good thing, or how to do it, he may worry about his performance.

Until next time, be safe and have fun!

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