Are Guys Okay With Girls Watching Porn?

Are Guys Okay With Girls Watching Porn?

I can’t give a straight answer to this because it depends on the guy, and it depends on the relationship.

While we often thinking of watching porn as something that men do, we know people of all genders watch porn.

Here in the United States, the number of women who watch porn has been increasing almost every year. According to Pornhub, almost 30% of people who visited the site in 2022 were female.

Pornhub actually has some really interesting statistics on who uses their site. Check out their 2022 year in review here

But back to your question. Some  men may really enjoy the idea of their female partners watching porn. Some may not care. Other men may be uncomfortable with their female partner watching porn. And there may be many reasons for this.

Some people are just not comfortable with the idea of anyone watching porn when in a relationship. They may view it as cheating, or a threat to the relationship. They may also think it’s an insinuation that they aren’t doing enough as a lover.

My suggestion is to have a conversation with your partner about what they’re comfortable with and what you’re comfortable with.

What I find is that often in relationships people don’t discuss porn until it becomes an issue. So if you can have that conversation before people are angry or feel threatened it may go a lot smoother.

One last thing to keep in mind, most people were never taught how to talk about anything sex related. So having a conversation about porn may make them uncomfortable, even though they’re okay with porn.

People may also have some deep-seated ideas about gender, porn, and relationships. But they may have never taken the time to really think about these ideas and where they come from.

So try and have the conversation in a nice, relaxed atmosphere. Also recognize it may not be one conversation, but a series of talks as they unpack their beliefs.

Until next, be safe and have fun!

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