Can men fake orgasms?

Can men fake orgasms?

Yes, it’s absolutely possible for a man to fake an orgasm.

Before I go any further, I want to explain a little bit about male orgasm. For the majority of men orgasm and ejaculation happen at the same time, but it’s important to note that they’re not the same thing. It is possible for a man to orgasm without ejaculating. So keep in mind that just because a man doesn’t ejaculate, it doesn’t mean he didn’t orgasm.

Back to the question - why do men fake orgasms? They do it for many of the same reasons that women do it – usually because they want the sex to stop. It may be that they know that they’re just not going to orgasm. Or they’re not enjoying it. Maybe they’re bored. But whatever the reason, they think that faking an orgasm means that they can make things stop. And some men fake it so that they can make things stop without hurting the other person’s feelings.

If you’re a man and you faked an orgasm, that makes you like most men. One study found that more than 70% of men report that they have faked an orgasm at one time.

And even though its common for men to fake orgasms, it’s interesting to me how things change when we talk about the gender of the person who’s faking an orgasm. From conversations I’ve had with students and friends over the years, there’s almost an expectation that women will fake an orgasm at some time. But when the conversation is about men being the one to fake an orgasm there seems to be a shift. People tend to feel that it’s more deceptive when men do it.

If you found out that your male partner has faked an orgasm, I would encourage you to try and have a conversation with him about what happened, especially if it bothered you. But remember that his reason may have been to protect your ego and asking him to have an honest conversation may mean hearing things that don’t feel good. But if you can look at this as his being honest with you, and as a way of learning what you can both do to improve your sex lives, it can be a positive experience.

Until next time, be safe and have fun!

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