I'm A Male… Do I Need To Shave My Pubic Hair?

I'm A Male… Do I Need To Shave My Pubic Hair?

I know this is going to be frustrating, but there’s no one answer to this.

This is because there’s so much variation in how people view pubic hair on a partner. Some people love it and think the more the better. Some people think that there should be a certain amount of maintenance and while some is good, there’s a limit to how much should be there. Some think that there really shouldn’t be any.

The problem is that there’s no way of knowing what future partners will like unless you ask them. And that can be awkward for some people. Though it can also be a great way to start conversations with someone about what they do and don’t like in terms of sex play.

A few things I want you to keep in mind. The first is that you should think about how you feel about your own pubic hair. Some men find that they like the way their penis looks when they have a certain amount of pubic hair. With a little trimming you may find that your penis looks bigger. So you may need to play around with different amounts. And while most studies show that the majority of men have shaved their pubic hair at some point, it’s more about what you like then what about the guy next door is doing.

Many people find confidence really sexy. So if you’re comfortable with your body, including how much pubic hair you have, your future partners will pick up on that.

The other thing I want you to keep in mind is that if you’re going to remove pubic hair, you should be careful! There are some grooming guides you can find online that talk about hair removal using everything from razors to hot wax. I would suggest giving some of those a read before you start manscaping.

This question about pubic hair is one that I get quite often, from people of all genders. You might want to check out this post I did for the question “Do guys care if a girl has pubic hair?”

Until next time, be safe and have fun!

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