Why Do I Find Crouching Like A Frog The Best Way To Reach Orgasm While Masturbating?

Why Do I Find Crouching Like A Frog The Best Way To Reach Orgasm While Masturbating?

I try not to make assumptions about what body parts the person asking the question has, but in this case I think it’s helpful. I’m assuming you have a vagina.

And the reason I make this assumption is based off anatomy.

Before I go any further, if you have a penis and were the author of this question I apologize for the assumption. Please submit a question with that clarification and I’ll answer it.

Back to anatomy. It’s important to keep in mind that people can have what we consider to be “female” body parts and not identify as female. But for simplicity in this post, I’m going to use the term “female” to refer to people who have vaginas and vulvas.

In the female genital area, the majority of nerve endings are located in the clitoris, which is on the outside. If you want to know more, check out this post on female genital anatomy. We’re now estimating at least 10,000 nerve endings are in the clitoris. This is why that area is so sensitive. It’s also one of the reasons why orgasms from clitoral stimulation tend to be easier to reach, and more powerful.

If we turn our attention to the inside of the vagina, there are several spots there that are also packed with nerves, though not as many as the clitoris. The one most people have heard of is the G spot. You can read more about that here.

But there’s another spot that is often not discussed. And that’s the A-spot. This is also on the front wall of the vagina, and it’s usually a couple of inches further up than the G-spot. This can make it harder to reach with your fingers.

When you crouch down, what you are doing is making it easier to reach areas in your vagina that are more sensitive.

If what you’re doing works for you, then great.

If you’d like to still reach orgasm during masturbation, but don’t want to have to crouch, you might want to consider using a sex toy. If you use one that you can safely insert into the vagina, you may find you can reach those spots that feel good without having to crouch.

You don’t have to use a sex toy that’s specific to G-spot stimulation. Some people love those and some people don’t, the choice is yours. If you are going to use a sex toy, make sure you have a lube that’s safe to use with it.

If you have more questions about lube, sex toys, anatomy, or anything else after reading this, you can always submit a question.

Until next time, be safe and have fun!

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