What Is The Cause Of Men Not Getting Erections?

What Is The Cause Of Men Not Getting Erections?

There are a lot of reasons why a man may not get an erection. Some of these reasons are due to biology.

Certain diseases and conditions have been lined to an inability to get an erection. These  include high cholesterol, diabetes, and obesity just to name a few.

An inability to get an erection can be caused by things a man puts in his body. There are a lot of medications that can impact a man’s ability to get an erection. This can include things like beta blockers, high blood pressure medication and some antidepressants.

But it’s not just medications. Anything you put in your system that impacts blood flow can also impact your ability to get an erection (same is true for women getting lubricated - but this question is focusing on men). Alcohol and tobacco can also impact blood flow, which can lead to a man not getting an erection.


So what do you do about these physical things? If you’ve recently started a new medication and noticed a change in erections, don’t just stop taking the medication! Your doctor prescribed it for a reason. What you should do is talk to your doctor about what’s happening, They may be able to do things like change medications, or simply change your dosage.

If it’s a medical condition, I’m going to give you the same advice. Talk to your doctor and tell them what’s happening.  For  a lot of men, not being able to get an erection is embarrass and they may not want to talk about it. But your doctor can’t address a problem if they don’t now it exists, so you need to tell them.

If the erection problem is coming from smoking or drinking, well, the obvious answer is to cut down or stop.

But wait - we’re not done. Because an inability to get an erection isn’t always about what’s happening with your body. What’s happening in your life, in your brain, and in the world around you, can also have an impact on your ability to get an erection.

This could include things life stress, anxiety, or depression. Relationship issues, concerns about the future, past trauma can all make it difficult to get an erection.

Not being turned on enough can be an issue. We have a myth in this country that men should always be ready for sex, but that’s not always true. Just like other genders, men need to be stimulated, and if they’re not, then there may not be an erection.

So how do you deal with all of these? These might be a bit harder. If you’re dealing with anxiety or depression, I would encourage you to talk to a mental health provider. Make sure to tell them about the erection issue, as some anti-anxiety medications and some antidepressants can have an impact on sexual functioning.

But for the other things, they can be harder to deal with because we can’t just go to a doctor and get them treated.


If it’s a relationship issue or not enough stimulation, you’ll need to talk to your partner about what’s going on.

If its stress, see what you can do to help control that. Whether its exercise, meditation, journaling, or something else, find something that can help lower your stress levels and try to use it consistently,

Also know that not being able to get an erection is pretty common, even though most men don’t want to talk about it.

Until next time, be safe and have fun!

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