How Do I Not Feel So Insecure About Having Testicles?

How Do I Not Feel So Insecure About Having Testicles?

I appreciate your willingness to ask this question.

Your testicles being outside your body do make you more vulnerable. Especially because of the number of nerve endings inside of them. This can make them very sensitive to touch. This also means that it doesn’t necessarily take a whole lot of force to the area to cause a lot of pain.

Since I don’t have them, I reached out to a few of my friends who do have testicles, to get their perspective. One of the things I kept hearing over and over was that a casual flick of the hand at just the right angle (or wrong angle) could cause a world of pain.

I can understand why this might make you feel vulnerable. Especially when you might be hearing on the news or social media about random acts of violence. But the good news is that what you’re describing isn’t common. Most women are not walking the streets randomly flicking men’s nuts. If anything, I hear about this kind of random nut taps happening more among groups of men as a joke.

In talking to my friends who have testicles, there were a few suggestions. One of them joked about wearing a cup whenever you got outside. But they also said that that would probably not only be impractical but could also be very uncomfortable as the day went on.

Another suggestion was to learn self-defense. I personally think that this is a good suggestion for all people. This is because everyone, regardless of their sex, has vulnerable spots on their bodies.

But again, you’re probably not going to be facing this threat of random violence.

And so I would try to keep this idea in mind and repeat it to yourself as often as you need. While your testicles are outside of your body and therefore make you vulnerable, random testicle hits by women are rare.

But, if you find that the fear of being dropped by a woman hitting your nuts in public is stopping you from leaving your house, then I would suggest you speak to a mental health professional. Whether this is based on trauma from having had this happen, or just an overwhelming fear that it will, a mental health professional can help you work through this anxiety so that it doesn’t stop you from living your life.

Before I sign off, a quick thank you to Timothy, Dave, and those of you who wanted to remain anonymous but were willing to give me input on this question.

Until next time, be safe and have fun!

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