Why Do Guys Think That Girls Want Dick Pics?

Why Do Guys Think That Girls Want Dick Pics?

So there's no one answer for this. There are a few theories that I can offer up on why guys might send girls dick pics. I’ll get to the why they think girls want dick pics later on.

The first theory that I’ve heard for why a guy might send an unasked for dick pic, is that it’s like digital flashing. So instead of a guy coming up to you, opening his trench coat and showing you his junk, he’s sending it to you digitally.

People who are exhibitionists (and I mean this in the clinical sense) flash someone so they can see that person’s reaction. They will then leave the scene of flashing and masturbate to the memories of that reaction later. My issue with this theory is that when a guy digitally flashes they can't actually see a reaction. They may get a text response, but often the person who got the pic will either block them on text, or unmatch with them on a dating app. But the guy isn’t  going to get that shock reaction that drives his flashing behavior.

So digital flasher is theory one. Theory two is that men think that girls want to see their dick. It’s like they’re offering up something of value. But unless you're really good at photography, and lighting, and filters, you're not really showing all that your dick has to offer from your picture. That, and the fact that most women are not really going to get turned on by your dick pic. Don’t get me wrong, there are women out there who absolutely love to look at dicks. But for most women, that's not what's going to turn them on. And men don't really get that.

Theory three is that a lot of men hope that if they send a dick pic, the girl will send them a naked pic in return. A little tit for tat kind of thing (sorry, I had to say it).

But to get back to your question about *why* guys think that girls want dick pics, I don’t think a lot of men are actually thinking about what the girl wants. They’re often thinking about what would turn them on, so they’re offering that up as a way to show interest.

When we talk about the differences between men and women, we often say that women think about what the other person wants, and men think about what they want. And I understand that I'm being horribly stereotypical here. But I think that there’s some truth to this. And I think that this difference in thought patterns can be helpful in understanding the unsolicited dick pics.

The guys aren't thinking about what the girls want, they're thinking about what they would want in that situation. I don't think this excuses the behavior of sending unsolicited dick pics. I don’t think men understand that not only are these often times not wanted, but they can be a turn off. And they can feel threatening to the person who receives them.

I think’s it’s helpful to understand that men often don't know how best to communicate their wants and needs to women in a way that women want them to. But understanding why men do it, doesn’t excuse the behavior.

Until next time, be safe, and have fun!

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