Is Ass To Mouth Safe?

Is Ass To Mouth Safe?

Depends on how you define safe.

When we talk about sex play and risk in this country we usually focus on pregnancy and STIs.

Ass to mouth, or “rimming”  or “analingus” if we want to get more technical, has no risk of pregnancy.

There is however a risk of contracting an STI, or other diseases.

Bacterial STIs like gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis can all be transmitted through rimming. So can viral infections like herpes and HPV.

But sexually transmitted  infections aren’t the only things you need to think about when it comes to rimming. There is also the risk of contracting some bacterial and parasitic infections.

The good news is that there are things you can do to cut down on the risk of STI transmission from ass to mouth. You know how you always hear that use should use a condom to prevent getting an STI? Same concept here, but we need to do it a little bit differently,

The reason we tell people to use condoms is because it’s a barrier that can stop the transmission of things like bacteria and viruses.

But it’s a little more complicated than just pulling a condom out of the package and being ready to go. That’s because in this situation  there’s nothing to unroll it on to. So you need to cut it open into a 6X6 square and lay it flat, and then put it between the mouth and the anus.

You could use a dental dam, but most people don’t have easy access to one. If you’re interested in them you can get them online.

If you’re going to use a barrier for ass to mouth, do an allergy check first! If you’re using a latex dental dam or condom, make sure no one involved is allergic to latex. If anyone is allergic, you can use condoms or dental dams not made from latex.

Two last things to think about, cleanliness and general gut health.

For cleanliness, clean the area before ass to mouth.

For general gut health, if the person who’s ass is being licked has had runny diarrhea or an upset stomach, you might want to wait until that’s been resolved.

If you’re engaging in ass to mouth, regardless of which end of it you’re on, I suggest getting STI tested.

Until next time, be safe, and have fun!

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